Pilates classes in Horwich!

Pilates is a mind-body exercise that focuses on strength, core stability, flexibility, muscle control, posture and breathing.

Pilates every Monday 8-9pm Claypool and Tuesdays 2-3pm at Horwich Resource centre

Call or text Laura to book your place today!


Pilates classes in Bolton and Horwich!New Year 2013

Pilates classes in Bolton and Horwich

Monday-Claypool Primary school Horwich 8-9pm

Tuesday-Horwich Resource centre 2-3pm

Wednesday-Ainsworth Villiage hall 2-3pm

Wednesday-Canon Slade 8-9pm

Thursday-Turton 7.30-8.15pm

Call Laura on 07796411564 to book your place or click on classes!!!



Pilates classes in Horwich!

Pilates classes in horwich at Horwich Resource centre and Claypool Primary school.Call Laura on 07796411564 for to book your place or clcik on classes for details!
