Clubbercise classes in Bolton

Clubbercise in Bolton-

Tuesday- 8-845pm at St Johns school Bromley Cross

Wednesday-6.30-7.15pm at Canon Slade

Thursday-6.30-7.15pm at Walmsley Unitarian Chapel


Call Laura on 07796411564 to book your place today………….


Clubbercise in Bolton

Clubbercise ever Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday evening in Bolton.Call Laura on 07796411564 for more details or for a class timetable…………


Clubbercise classes in Bolton

Halloweens approaching and that means not long to get into that little black dress for Christmas.What better way to get fit and exercise than clean clubbing!!!!

Clubbercise is an aerobic workout that uses classic 90’s club tunes,disco lights and glow sticks.It really is like dancing on a night out so why not give it a try?!

Clubbercise every Wednesday at Canon Slade 6.30-7.15pm and every Thursday 6.30-7.15pm at Walmsley Unitarian Chapel
Call or Text Laura today to book your place!
