Pilates classes in Horwich!

Pilates classes starting at Horwich Resource centre 6th Novemeber.A great full body workout that tones and scupts,particulary that tummy area.Call Laura on 07796411564 for details or to book your place!!


Pilates classes in Bolton!

Strengthening,toning and de-stressing!Why not try Pilates as a fantastic workout to tone an scupt the whole body whilst de-stressing.Classes starting at Cano Slade on the 7th Novemeber 8-9pm Call Lauraon 07796411564 to book you spot.Places are filling fast so be quick!


Zumba classes in Chorley!

Come Ladies and Gents the Festive season is upon us and we all need to look great for the party seaon.Call Laura on 07796411564 for details on her Zumba classes in Chorley Astley Village.


Zumba classes in Horwich!

Come Ladies and Gents the Festive season is upon us and we all need to look great for the party seaon.Call Laura on 07796411564 for details on her Zumba classes in Horwich every Monday evening at Claypool Primary school!!


Zumba classes in Bolton!

Come Ladies and Gents the Festive season is upon us and we all need to look great for the party seaon.Call Laura on 07796411564 for details on her Zumba classes at Canon Slade and Turton school Bolton or click on classes……………..
